Paintball Videos

Video info

These videos are here to inform and entertain visitors to Battlefield Combat. Most of these videos can be found on the internet at sites like YouTube. Where appropriate playback of these videos has been compressed to provide the information and redact any advertising when possible.

Paintball Safety Video - A must watch for beginners!

This safety vidoe covers the basics of paintball rules as well as safety. If your going to play paintball for the first time watching this video is a must.

2012 National Professional Paintball League - Las Vegas Tournament

Amazing collection of slow motion paintball assassinations from the 2012 Las Vegas NPPL. This is a professional tournament and you will see some bunkering and close shots that are not allowed at most recreational paintball fields., which is a paintball community forum site, uploaded this video.

Paintball Tips: Woodsball or Rec Ball Guns vs. Speedball Guns

Mike Peverill is a 30 year vetran of paintball. In this video he provids an overview of different types of paintball guns.

StormTrooper Paintball

Stormtroopers at the Realms of Ruin paintball park in Wilmington, IL. All musical credit to John Williams and Lucasfilm Ltd.

I'm not sure the mask are paintball rated so don't try this at home. Remember Safty First!

CO2 vs Air

Mike Peverill is a 30 year vetran of paintball. In this video he discusses the different types of paintball propellant.